Uses of Class

Packages that use Shape

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command

Constructors in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command with parameters of type Shape
NewShapeCommand(RepApplication app, Shape shape)

Constructor parameters in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command with type arguments of type Shape
PasteCommand(RepApplication app, List<Shape> clonedShapes)

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller that return Shape
 Shape ShapeSelection.getRootShape()
          Returns the clone of the currently selected shapes.
 Shape<Shape> shapes)

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller that return types with arguments of type Shape
 List<Shape> ShapeSelection.getSelectedShapes()
          Returns a list which contains all the selected shapes.
 Iterator<Shape> ShapeSelection.iterator()

Method parameters in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller with type arguments of type Shape
 Shape<Shape> shapes)

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view that return Shape
 Shape PickVisitor.pick(Point p, Iterator<Shape> shapes)
          Returns the picked shape

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view with parameters of type Shape
 TransformMatrix RenderVisitor.pushShape(Shape shape)

Method parameters in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view with type arguments of type Shape
 Shape PickVisitor.pick(Point p, Iterator<Shape> shapes)
          Returns the picked shape

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.common.format

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.format with parameters of type Shape
 TransformMatrix SVG11Visitor.pushShape(Shape shape, boolean isTailShape)
 void SVG12Visitor.writeSVG(IOutputStream stream, Shape[] shapes, PaletteList paletteList, int width, int height)
 void ISVGExporter.writeSVG(IOutputStream stream, Shape[] shapes, PaletteList paletteList, int width, int height)
 void SVG11Visitor.writeSVG(IOutputStream stream, Shape[] shapes, PaletteList paletteList, int width, int height)

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.common.model

Fields in org.vectomatic.common.model declared as Shape
 Shape DrawingModel.Node.shape

Fields in org.vectomatic.common.model with type parameters of type Shape
protected  Set<Shape> DrawingModel._shapeSet
          Temporary set used for ordering computations
protected  Map<Shape,DrawingModel.Node> DrawingModel._shapeToNode
          A Map to retrieve the linked list node which contains a shape.

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.model that return Shape
 Shape CloneShapeVisitor.getClone()
 Shape[] DrawingModel.toShapeArray()

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.model that return types with arguments of type Shape
 Iterator<Shape> DrawingModel.iterator()
 Iterator<Shape> DrawingModel.reverseIterator()

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.model with parameters of type Shape
 void DrawingModel.addShape(Shape shape)
 boolean DrawingModel.contains(Shape shape)
 void Shape.copyAttributes(Shape src)
 void DrawingModel.fromShapeArray(Shape[] shapeArray)
abstract  boolean Shape.isSame(Shape shape)
          Returns true if the specified shape has the same geometrical and styling properties as this shape, false otherwise.
 void DrawingModel.removeShape(Shape shape)

Method parameters in org.vectomatic.common.model with type arguments of type Shape
 List<Float> DrawingModel.bringForward(List<Shape> shapes)
 List<Float> DrawingModel.bringToFront(List<Shape> shapes)
 boolean DrawingModel.canBringForward(List<Shape> shapes)
 boolean DrawingModel.canBringToFront(List<Shape> shapes)
 boolean DrawingModel.canSendBackward(List<Shape> shapes)
 boolean DrawingModel.canSendToBack(List<Shape> shapes)
 void DrawingModel.reorder(List<Shape> shapes, List<Float> orders)
 List<Float> DrawingModel.sendBackward(List<Shape> shapes)
 List<Float> DrawingModel.sendToBack(List<Shape> shapes)
protected  DrawingModel.Node[] DrawingModel.toNodeArray(List<Shape> shapes)

Constructors in org.vectomatic.common.model with parameters of type Shape
Shape(Shape shape)

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry

Subclasses of Shape in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry
 class Ellipse
          Class to represent an ellipse
 class Path
          Class to represent a path.
 class Polyline
          Class to represent a polyline
 class Rect
          Class to represent a rectangle
 class ShapeGroup
          Class to represent a group of shapes (composite design pattern)

Fields in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry with type parameters of type Shape
protected  List<Shape> ShapeGroup._shapes
          A List of palettes.

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry that return types with arguments of type Shape
 List<Shape> ShapeGroup.getShapes()

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry with parameters of type Shape
 boolean Path.isSame(Shape shape)
 boolean ShapeGroup.isSame(Shape shape)
 boolean Polyline.isSame(Shape shape)
 boolean Ellipse.isSame(Shape shape)
 boolean Rect.isSame(Shape shape)

Method parameters in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry with type arguments of type Shape
 void ShapeGroup.setShapes(List<Shape> shapes)

Constructor parameters in org.vectomatic.common.model.geometry with type arguments of type Shape
ShapeGroup(List<Shape> shapes)

Uses of Shape in org.vectomatic.common.rpc

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.rpc that return Shape
 Shape[] Representation.getShapes()

Methods in org.vectomatic.common.rpc with parameters of type Shape
 void Representation.setShapes(Shape[] shapeArray)

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