Interface Summary | |
IController | Interface for controllers. |
Class Summary | |
AboutPanel | About panel for the application |
ColorEditor | Widget to implement a gimp-like color editor |
Compass | Class to manage the 2D compass which enables rotating and scaling the drawing view |
ContextualMenuVisitor | Shape visitor implementation to set the items in the contextual menu depending on the selection |
ControllerBase | Base class for IController implementations |
ControllerContextItem | Context-menu item customized to support enable/disable state and call invocation of a Controller |
ControllerMenuItem | Menu item customized to support enable/disable state and call invocation of a Controller |
ControllerPushButton | Customized PushButton class with a tooltip. |
CopyController | Controller to respond to copy request |
CutController | Controller to respond to cut request and turn them into CutCommand |
DeleteController | Controller to respond to delete shape request and turn them into DeleteShapeCommand |
EditPathController | |
EditPolylineController | Controller to respond to polyline edition requests and turn them into MoveVertexCommand and DeleteVertexCommand |
ExportController | |
GroupController | Controller to respond to grouping requests and turn them into GroupCommand |
LineWidthController | Controller to respond to line width modifications and turn them into SetAttributeCommand |
LineWidthEditor | Widget class to specify a custom line width |
LineWidthMenu | Menu class to select line widths |
LineWidthWell | Widget class to display line widths |
LineWidthWidget | View class to display line widths |
MouseControllerButton | Customized ToggleButton class with a tooltip and an associated controller. |
MouseControllerSelector | Class to manage an array of buttons which determine which controller is catching events on the 2D view |
NewEllipseController | Controller to respond to new ellipse requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand |
NewPathController | Controller to respond to new path requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand |
NewPolylineController | Controller to respond to new polyline requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand |
NewRectController | Controller to respond to new rect requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand |
NilController | Controller which does nothing |
OrderingController | Controller to respond to shape ordering requests and turn them into ChangeOrderingCommand |
PasteController | Controller to respond to paste requests and turn them into PasteCommand |
PickColorController | Controller to respond to color picking requests and set the current color accordingly |
RedoController | Controller to redo a previously undone command |
RepresentationController | Controller to respond to open / save requests. |
ResizeController | |
ResizeDrawingPanel | Widget class to enter drawing dimensions |
SelectShapeController | Controller to respond to translate/rotate/resize shape requests and turn them into TransformShapeCommand |
ShapeSelection | Class to represent the currently selected shapes. |
StyleController | Class to manage changes of the color or transparency of a shape |
UndoController | Controller to undo the latest command |
UngroupController | Controller to respond to ungrouping requests and turn them into UngroupCommand |