Package org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller

Interface Summary
IController Interface for controllers.

Class Summary
AboutPanel About panel for the application
ColorEditor Widget to implement a gimp-like color editor
Compass Class to manage the 2D compass which enables rotating and scaling the drawing view
ContextualMenuVisitor Shape visitor implementation to set the items in the contextual menu depending on the selection
ControllerBase Base class for IController implementations
ControllerContextItem Context-menu item customized to support enable/disable state and call invocation of a Controller
ControllerMenuItem Menu item customized to support enable/disable state and call invocation of a Controller
ControllerPushButton Customized PushButton class with a tooltip.
CopyController Controller to respond to copy request
CutController Controller to respond to cut request and turn them into CutCommand
DeleteController Controller to respond to delete shape request and turn them into DeleteShapeCommand
EditPolylineController Controller to respond to polyline edition requests and turn them into MoveVertexCommand and DeleteVertexCommand
GroupController Controller to respond to grouping requests and turn them into GroupCommand
LineWidthController Controller to respond to line width modifications and turn them into SetAttributeCommand
LineWidthEditor Widget class to specify a custom line width
LineWidthMenu Menu class to select line widths
LineWidthWell Widget class to display line widths
LineWidthWidget View class to display line widths
MouseControllerButton Customized ToggleButton class with a tooltip and an associated controller.
MouseControllerSelector Class to manage an array of buttons which determine which controller is catching events on the 2D view
NewEllipseController Controller to respond to new ellipse requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
NewPathController Controller to respond to new path requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
NewPolylineController Controller to respond to new polyline requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
NewRectController Controller to respond to new rect requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
NilController Controller which does nothing
OrderingController Controller to respond to shape ordering requests and turn them into ChangeOrderingCommand
PasteController Controller to respond to paste requests and turn them into PasteCommand
PickColorController Controller to respond to color picking requests and set the current color accordingly
RedoController Controller to redo a previously undone command
RepresentationController Controller to respond to open / save requests.
ResizeDrawingPanel Widget class to enter drawing dimensions
SelectShapeController Controller to respond to translate/rotate/resize shape requests and turn them into TransformShapeCommand
ShapeSelection Class to represent the currently selected shapes.
StyleController Class to manage changes of the color or transparency of a shape
UndoController Controller to undo the latest command
UngroupController Controller to respond to ungrouping requests and turn them into UngroupCommand

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