Uses of Interface

Packages that use IController

Uses of IController in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller

Classes in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller that implement IController
 class ControllerBase
          Base class for IController implementations
 class CopyController
          Controller to respond to copy request
 class CutController
          Controller to respond to cut request and turn them into CutCommand
 class DeleteController
          Controller to respond to delete shape request and turn them into DeleteShapeCommand
 class EditPathController
 class EditPolylineController
          Controller to respond to polyline edition requests and turn them into MoveVertexCommand and DeleteVertexCommand
 class ExportController
 class GroupController
          Controller to respond to grouping requests and turn them into GroupCommand
 class LineWidthController
          Controller to respond to line width modifications and turn them into SetAttributeCommand
 class NewEllipseController
          Controller to respond to new ellipse requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
 class NewPathController
          Controller to respond to new path requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
 class NewPolylineController
          Controller to respond to new polyline requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
 class NewRectController
          Controller to respond to new rect requests and turn them into NewShapeCommand
 class PasteController
          Controller to respond to paste requests and turn them into PasteCommand
 class PickColorController
          Controller to respond to color picking requests and set the current color accordingly
 class RedoController
          Controller to redo a previously undone command
 class RepresentationController
          Controller to respond to open / save requests.
 class ResizeController
 class SelectShapeController
          Controller to respond to translate/rotate/resize shape requests and turn them into TransformShapeCommand
 class StyleController
          Class to manage changes of the color or transparency of a shape
 class UndoController
          Controller to undo the latest command
 class UngroupController
          Controller to respond to ungrouping requests and turn them into UngroupCommand

Fields in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller declared as IController
 IController MouseControllerButton.controller

Constructors in org.vectomatic.client.rep.controller with parameters of type IController
ControllerMenuItem(DrawingView view, String text, IController controller)
MouseControllerButton( icon, String tooltip, IController controller)

Uses of IController in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view that return IController
 IController DrawingView.getController()

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.view with parameters of type IController
 void DrawingView.setController(IController controller)

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