Uses of Interface

Packages that use ICommand

Uses of ICommand in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command

Classes in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command that implement ICommand
 class ChangeOrderingCommand
          Command to change the order of the shapes in the display list
 class CommandBase
          Abstract base class for commands
 class CutCommand
          Command to cut a shape from the model
 class DeleteShapeCommand
          Command to delete a shape from the model
 class DeleteVertexCommand
          Command to delete a vertex from a polyline
 class GroupCommand
          Command to group shapes
 class MoveVertexCommand
          Command to move a vertex in a polyline
 class NewShapeCommand
          Command to add a new shape to the model
 class PasteCommand
          Command to paste a shape from the model
 class ResizeDrawingCommand
          Command to resize the drawing
 class SetAttributeCommand
          Command to set a graphical attribute on a shape
 class TransformShapeCommand
          Command to alter the 2D transform of a shape
 class UngroupCommand
          Command to ungroup shapes

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command that return ICommand
 ICommand[] CommandHistory.getCommands()
          Gets all the commands currently in the stack
 ICommand CommandHistory.getRedoCommand()
          Returns the command which will be redone if undo is invoked
 ICommand CommandHistory.getUndoCommand()
          Returns the command which will be undone if undo is invoked

Methods in org.vectomatic.client.rep.command with parameters of type ICommand
 void CommandHistory.addCommand(ICommand command)
          Adds a new command to the stack

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