View Javadoc

1   /**********************************************
2    * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Lukas Laag
3    * This file is part of lib-gwt-svg.
4    * 
5    * libgwtsvg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7    * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8    * (at your option) any later version.
9    * 
10   * libgwtsvg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13   * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14   * 
15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16   * along with libgwtsvg.  If not, see
17   **********************************************/
18  /*
19   * Copyright (c) 2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
20   *
21   * (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for
22   * Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This
23   * work is distributed under the W3C(r) Software License [1] in the hope that
24   * it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
26   *
27   * [1]
28   */
30  package org.vectomatic.dom.svg;
32  import;
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39  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.impl.SVGElement;
40  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.impl.SVGUseElement;
41  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGExternalResourcesRequired;
42  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGGraphicsElement;
43  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGLangSpace;
44  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGStylable;
45  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTests;
46  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTransformable;
47  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGURIReference;
48  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.utils.DOMHelper;
49  import org.vectomatic.dom.svg.utils.SVGConstants;
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91  /**
92   * The {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement} interface corresponds
93   * to the <a href='' title='use
94   * element specification'>use</a> element.
95   */
96  @TagName("use")
97  public class OMSVGUseElement extends OMSVGElement implements HasGraphicalHandlers, ISVGURIReference, ISVGTests, ISVGLangSpace, ISVGExternalResourcesRequired, ISVGStylable, ISVGTransformable, ISVGGraphicsElement {
98    public OMSVGUseElement() {
99      this((SVGUseElement)DOMHelper.createElementNS(DOMHelper.getCurrentDocument(), SVGConstants.SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_USE_TAG).cast());
100   }
102   protected OMSVGUseElement(SVGUseElement ot) {
103     super(ot);
104   }
106   // Implementation of the svg::SVGUseElement W3C IDL interface
107   /**
108    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement#getX()}
109    * on the given <a href=''
110    * title='use element specification'>use</a> element.
111    */
112   public final OMSVGAnimatedLength getX() {
113     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getX();
114   }
115   /**
116    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement#getY()}
117    * on the given <a href=''
118    * title='use element specification'>use</a> element.
119    */
120   public final OMSVGAnimatedLength getY() {
121     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getY();
122   }
123   /**
124    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement#getWidth()}
125    * on the given <a href=''
126    * title='use element specification'>use</a> element.
127    */
128   public final OMSVGAnimatedLength getWidth() {
129     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getWidth();
130   }
131   /**
132    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement#getHeight()}
133    * on the given <a href=''
134    * title='use element specification'>use</a> element.
135    */
136   public final OMSVGAnimatedLength getHeight() {
137     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getHeight();
138   }
139   /**
140    * The root of the "instance tree".  See description of {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGElementInstance}
141    * for a discussion on the instance tree.
142    */
143   public final OMSVGElementInstance getInstanceRoot() {
144     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getInstanceRoot();
145   }
146   /**
147    * If the <code>xlink:href</code> attribute is being animated, contains the
148    * current animated root of the "instance tree".  If the <code>xlink:href</code>
149    * attribute is not currently being animated, contains the same value as {@link
150    * org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGUseElement#getInstanceRoot()}.  See description
151    * of {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGElementInstance} for a discussion
152    * on the instance tree.
153    */
154   public final OMSVGElementInstance getAnimatedInstanceRoot() {
155     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getAnimatedInstanceRoot();
156   }
158   // Implementation of the svg::SVGExternalResourcesRequired W3C IDL interface
159   /**
160    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGExternalResourcesRequired#getExternalResourcesRequired()}
161    * on the given element. Note that the SVG DOM defines the attribute {@link
162    * org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGExternalResourcesRequired#getExternalResourcesRequired()}
163    * as being of type {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGAnimatedBoolean}, whereas
164    * the SVG language definition says that {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGExternalResourcesRequired#getExternalResourcesRequired()}
165    * is not animated. Because the SVG language definition states that {@link
166    * org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGExternalResourcesRequired#getExternalResourcesRequired()}
167    * cannot be animated, the {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGAnimatedBoolean#getAnimVal()}
168    * will always be the same as the {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGAnimatedBoolean#getBaseVal()}.
169    */
170   public final OMSVGAnimatedBoolean getExternalResourcesRequired() {
171     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getExternalResourcesRequired();
172   }
174   // Implementation of the svg::SVGLangSpace W3C IDL interface
175   /**
176    * Corresponds to attribute <code>xml:lang</code> on the given element.
177    */
178   public final String getXmllang() {
179     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getXmllang();
180   }
181   /**
182    * Corresponds to attribute <code>xml:lang</code> on the given element.
183    * @throws DOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) Raised on an   attempt
184    * to change the value of a <a href="svgdom.html#ReadOnlyNodes">read only
185    * attribute</a>.
186    */
187   public final void setXmllang(java.lang.String value) throws JavaScriptException {
188     ((SVGUseElement)ot).setXmllang(value);
189   }
190   /**
191    * Corresponds to attribute <code>xml:space</code> on the given element.
192    */
193   public final String getXmlspace() {
194     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getXmlspace();
195   }
196   /**
197    * Corresponds to attribute <code>xml:space</code> on the given element.
198    * @throws DOMException(NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) Raised on an   attempt
199    * to change the value of a <a href="svgdom.html#ReadOnlyNodes">read only
200    * attribute</a>.
201    */
202   public final void setXmlspace(java.lang.String value) throws JavaScriptException {
203     ((SVGUseElement)ot).setXmlspace(value);
204   }
206   // Implementation of the svg::SVGLocatable W3C IDL interface
207   /**
208    * The element which established the current viewport. Often, the nearest
209    * ancestor <a href='' title='svg
210    * element specification'>svg</a> element. Null if the current element is
211    * the outermost <a href=''
212    * title='svg element specification'>svg</a> element.
213    */
214   public final OMSVGElement getNearestViewportElement() {
215     SVGElement elt = ((SVGUseElement)ot).getNearestViewportElement();
216     return elt != null ? (OMSVGElement)convert(elt) : null;
217   }
218   /**
219    * The farthest ancestor <a href=''
220    * title='svg element specification'>svg</a> element. Null if the current
221    * element is the outermost <a href=''
222    * title='svg element specification'>svg</a> element.
223    */
224   public final OMSVGElement getFarthestViewportElement() {
225     SVGElement elt = ((SVGUseElement)ot).getFarthestViewportElement();
226     return elt != null ? (OMSVGElement)convert(elt) : null;
227   }
228   /**
229    * Returns the tight bounding box in current user space (i.e., after application
230    * of the <code>transform</code> attribute, if any) on the geometry of all
231    * contained graphics elements, exclusive of stroking, clipping, masking and
232    * filter effects). Note that getBBox must return the actual bounding box
233    * at the time the method was called, even in case the element has not yet
234    * been rendered.
235    * @return An {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGRect} object that defines
236    * the bounding box.
237    */
238   public final OMSVGRect getBBox() {
239     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getBBox();
240   }
241   /**
242    * Returns the transformation matrix from current user units (i.e., after
243    * application of the <code>transform</code> attribute, if any) to the viewport
244    * coordinate system for the {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGLocatable#getNearestViewportElement()}.
245    * @return An {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGMatrix} object that defines
246    * the CTM.
247    */
248   public final OMSVGMatrix getCTM() {
249     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getCTM();
250   }
251   /**
252    * Returns the transformation matrix from current user units (i.e., after
253    * application of the <code>transform</code> attribute, if any) to the parent
254    * user agent's notice of a "pixel". For display devices, ideally this represents
255    * a physical screen pixel. For other devices or environments where physical
256    * pixel sizes are not known, then an algorithm similar to the CSS2 definition
257    * of a "pixel" can be used instead.  Note that null is returned if this element
258    * is not hooked into the document tree. This method would have been more
259    * aptly named as <code>getClientCTM</code>, but the name <code>getScreenCTM</code>
260    * is kept for historical reasons.
261    * @return An {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGMatrix} object that defines
262    * the given   transformation matrix.
263    */
264   public final OMSVGMatrix getScreenCTM() {
265     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getScreenCTM();
266   }
267   /**
268    * Returns the transformation matrix from the user coordinate system on the
269    * current element (after application of the <code>transform</code> attribute,
270    * if any) to the user coordinate system on parameter <var>element</var> (after
271    * application of its <code>transform</code> attribute, if any).
272    * @param element The target element.
273    * @return An {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.OMSVGMatrix} object that defines
274    * the transformation.
275    * @throws SVGException(SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE) Raised if the currently
276    * defined transformation matrices make it impossible to compute the   given
277    * matrix (e.g., because one of the transformations is singular).
278    */
279   public final OMSVGMatrix getTransformToElement(OMSVGElement element) throws JavaScriptException {
280     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getTransformToElement(((SVGElement)element.ot));
281   }
283   // Implementation of the svg::SVGTests W3C IDL interface
284   /**
285    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTests#getRequiredFeatures()}
286    * on the given element.
287    */
288   public final OMSVGStringList getRequiredFeatures() {
289     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getRequiredFeatures();
290   }
291   /**
292    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTests#getRequiredExtensions()}
293    * on the given element.
294    */
295   public final OMSVGStringList getRequiredExtensions() {
296     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getRequiredExtensions();
297   }
298   /**
299    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTests#getSystemLanguage()}
300    * on the given element.
301    */
302   public final OMSVGStringList getSystemLanguage() {
303     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getSystemLanguage();
304   }
305   /**
306    * Returns true if the user agent supports the given extension, specified
307    * by a URI.
308    * @param extension The name of the extension, expressed as a URI.
309    * @return True or false, depending on whether the given extension is   supported.
310    */
311   public final boolean hasExtension(String extension) {
312     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).hasExtension(extension);
313   }
315   // Implementation of the svg::SVGTransformable W3C IDL interface
316   /**
317    * Corresponds to attribute {@link org.vectomatic.dom.svg.itf.ISVGTransformable#getTransform()}
318    * on the given element.
319    */
320   public final OMSVGAnimatedTransformList getTransform() {
321     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getTransform();
322   }
324   // Implementation of the svg::SVGURIReference W3C IDL interface
325   /**
326    * Corresponds to attribute <span class='attr-name'>'xlink:href'</span> on
327    * the given element.
328    */
329   public final OMSVGAnimatedString getHref() {
330     return ((SVGUseElement)ot).getHref();
331   }
333   @Override
334   public final HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
335     return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());
336   }
337   @Override
338   public final HandlerRegistration addDragEndHandler(DragEndHandler handler) {
339     return addDomHandler(handler, DragEndEvent.getType());
340   }
341   @Override
342   public final HandlerRegistration addDragEnterHandler(DragEnterHandler handler) {
343     return addDomHandler(handler, DragEnterEvent.getType());
344   }
345   @Override
346   public final HandlerRegistration addDragHandler(DragHandler handler) {
347     return addDomHandler(handler, DragEvent.getType());
348   }
349   @Override
350   public final HandlerRegistration addDragLeaveHandler(DragLeaveHandler handler) {
351     return addDomHandler(handler, DragLeaveEvent.getType());
352   }
353   @Override
354   public final HandlerRegistration addDragOverHandler(DragOverHandler handler) {
355     return addDomHandler(handler, DragOverEvent.getType());
356   }
357   @Override
358   public final HandlerRegistration addDragStartHandler(DragStartHandler handler) {
359     return addDomHandler(handler, DragStartEvent.getType());
360   }
361   @Override
362   public final HandlerRegistration addDropHandler(DropHandler handler) {
363     return addDomHandler(handler, DropEvent.getType());
364   }
365   @Override
366   public final HandlerRegistration addLoadHandler(LoadHandler handler) {
367     return addDomHandler(handler, LoadEvent.getType());
368   }
369   @Override
370   public final HandlerRegistration addMouseDownHandler(MouseDownHandler handler) {
371     return addDomHandler(handler, MouseDownEvent.getType());
372   }
373   @Override
374   public final HandlerRegistration addMouseMoveHandler(MouseMoveHandler handler) {
375     return addDomHandler(handler, MouseMoveEvent.getType());
376   }
377   @Override
378   public final HandlerRegistration addMouseOutHandler(MouseOutHandler handler) {
379     return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOutEvent.getType());
380   }
381   @Override
382   public final HandlerRegistration addMouseOverHandler(MouseOverHandler handler) {
383     return addDomHandler(handler, MouseOverEvent.getType());
384   }
385   @Override
386   public final HandlerRegistration addMouseUpHandler(MouseUpHandler handler) {
387     return addDomHandler(handler, MouseUpEvent.getType());
388   }
389   @Override
390   public final HandlerRegistration addTouchCancelHandler(TouchCancelHandler handler) {
391     return addDomHandler(handler, TouchCancelEvent.getType());
392   }
393   @Override
394   public final HandlerRegistration addTouchEndHandler(TouchEndHandler handler) {
395     return addDomHandler(handler, TouchEndEvent.getType());
396   }
397   @Override
398   public final HandlerRegistration addTouchMoveHandler(TouchMoveHandler handler) {
399     return addDomHandler(handler, TouchMoveEvent.getType());
400   }
401   @Override
402   public final HandlerRegistration addTouchStartHandler(TouchStartHandler handler) {
403     return addDomHandler(handler, TouchStartEvent.getType());
404   }
405   @Override
406   public final HandlerRegistration addActivateHandler(ActivateHandler handler) {
407     return addDomHandler(handler, ActivateEvent.getType());
408   }
409   @Override
410   public final HandlerRegistration addFocusInHandler(FocusInHandler handler) {
411     return addDomHandler(handler, FocusInEvent.getType());
412   }
413   @Override
414   public final HandlerRegistration addFocusOutHandler(FocusOutHandler handler) {
415     return addDomHandler(handler, FocusOutEvent.getType());
416   }
417 }