The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.1.
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com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 76 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 88 |
public final static int TEMPO = 10; // Add to moving side score private final static int knightOutpost[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 9, 9, 7, 0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 20, 20, 10, 5, 0, 0, 5, 10, 20, 20, 10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 7, 9, 9, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // The pair of values are {opening, endgame} private final static int PawnFileValue[] = {5,0}; private final static int KnightCenterValue[] = {5,5}; private final static int KnightRankValue[] = {5,0}; private final static int KnightBackRankValue[] = {0,0}; private final static int KnightTrappedValue[] = {-100,0}; private final static int BishopCenterValue[] = {2,3}; private final static int BishopBackRankValue[] = {-10,0}; private final static int BishopDiagonalValue[] = {4,0}; private final static int RookFileValue[] = {3,0}; private final static int QueenCenterValue[] = {0,4}; private final static int QueenBackRankValue[] = {-5,0}; private final static int KingCenterValue[] = {0,12}; private final static int KingFileValue[] = {10,0}; private final static int KingRankValue[] = {10,0}; private final static int PawnFile[] = {-3, -1, +0, +1, +1, +0, -1, -3}; private final static int KnightLine[] = {-4, -2, +0, +1, +1, +0, -2, -4}; private final static int KnightRank[] = {-2, -1, +0, +1, +2, +3, +2, +1}; private final static int BishopLine[] = {-3, -1, +0, +1, +1, +0, -1, -3}; private final static int RookFile[] = {-2, -1, +0, +1, +1, +0, -1, -2}; private final static int QueenLine[] = {-3, -1, +0, +1, +1, +0, -1, -3}; private final static int KingLine[] = {-3, -1, +0, +1, +1, +0, -1, -3}; private final static int KingFile[] = {+3, +4, +2, +0, +0, +2, +4, +3}; private final static int KingRank[] = {+1, +0, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7}; // Values are rotated for whites, so when white is playing is like shown in the code private final static int pawnIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; private final static int knightIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; private final static int bishopIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; private final static int rookIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; private final static int queenIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; private final static int kingIndexValue[][] = new int[64][2]; static { // Initialize Piece square values Fruit/Toga style int i; for (int phase = 0; phase<2; phase++) { for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int rank = i >> 3; int file = 7 - i & 7; pawnIndexValue[i][phase] = PawnFile[file] * PawnFileValue[phase]; knightIndexValue[i][phase] = KnightLine[file] * KnightCenterValue[phase] + KnightLine[rank] * KnightCenterValue[phase] + KnightRank[rank] * KnightRankValue[phase]; bishopIndexValue[i][phase] = BishopLine[file] * BishopCenterValue[phase] + BishopLine[rank] * BishopCenterValue[phase]; rookIndexValue[i][phase] = RookFile[file] * RookFileValue[phase]; queenIndexValue[i][phase] = QueenLine[file] * QueenCenterValue[phase] + QueenLine[rank] * QueenCenterValue[phase]; kingIndexValue[i][phase] = KingFile[file] * KingFileValue[phase] + KingRank[rank] * KingRankValue[phase] + KingLine[file] * KingCenterValue[phase] + KingLine[rank] * KingCenterValue[phase]; } knightIndexValue[56][phase] += KnightTrappedValue[phase]; // H8 knightIndexValue[63][phase] += KnightTrappedValue[phase]; // A8 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { queenIndexValue[i][phase] += QueenBackRankValue[phase]; knightIndexValue[i][phase] += KnightBackRankValue[phase]; bishopIndexValue[i][phase] += BishopBackRankValue[phase]; bishopIndexValue[(i << 3) | i][phase] += BishopDiagonalValue[phase]; bishopIndexValue[((i << 3) | i) ^ 070][phase] += BishopDiagonalValue[phase]; } } // Pawn opening corrections pawnIndexValue[19][OPENING] += 10; // E3 pawnIndexValue[20][OPENING] += 10; // D3 pawnIndexValue[27][OPENING] += 25; // E4 pawnIndexValue[28][OPENING] += 25; // D4 pawnIndexValue[35][OPENING] += 10; // E5 pawnIndexValue[36][OPENING] += 10; // D5 // logger.debug("***PAWN"); // printPcsq(pawnIndexValue); // logger.debug("***KNIGHT"); // printPcsq(knightIndexValue); // logger.debug("***BISHOP"); // printPcsq(bishopIndexValue); // logger.debug("***ROOK"); // printPcsq(rookIndexValue); // logger.debug("***QUEEN"); // printPcsq(queenIndexValue); // logger.debug("***KING"); // printPcsq(kingIndexValue); // logger.debug("PCSQ tables generated"); } // private static void printPcsq(int pcsq[][]) { // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // for (int k=0; k<2; k++) { // if (k==0) sb.append("Opening:\n"); // else sb.append("Endgame:\n"); // for (int i = 0; i<64; i++) { // String aux = " " + pcsq[i][k]; // aux = aux.substring(aux.length()-5); // sb.append(aux); // if (i%8 != 7) { // sb.append(","); // } else { // sb.append("\n"); // } // } // } // logger.debug(sb.toString()); // } public int evaluateBoard(Board board) { int pieces = 0; long attacks[] = {0,0}; // Squares attacked by each side |
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com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 198 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 212 |
int auxInt; int bishopCount[] = {0,0}; int materialValue[] = {0,0}; int pawnMaterialValue[] = {0,0}; int mobilityOpeningValue[] = {0,0}; int mobilityEndgameValue[] = {0,0}; int positionalOpeningValue[] = {0,0}; int positionalEndgameValue[] = {0,0}; int kingSafetyValue[] = {0,0}; int pawnsValue[] = {0,0}; // Squares surrounding King long squaresNearKing[] = {BitboardAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.square2Index(board.whites & board.kings)], BitboardAttacks.king[BitboardUtils.square2Index(board.blacks & board.kings)]}; // From material imbalances (Larry Kaufmann): // A further refinement would be to raise the knight's value by 1/16 and lower the rook's value by 1/8 // for each pawn above five of the side being valued, with the opposite adjustment for each pawn short of five int whitePawnsCount = BitboardUtils.popCount(board.pawns & board.whites); int blackPawnsCount = BitboardUtils.popCount(board.pawns & board.blacks); int knightKaufBonus[] = {KNIGHT_KAUF_BONUS * (whitePawnsCount-5), KNIGHT_KAUF_BONUS * (blackPawnsCount-5)}; int rookKaufBonus[] = {ROOK_KAUF_BONUS * (whitePawnsCount-5), ROOK_KAUF_BONUS * (blackPawnsCount-5)}; long square = 1; byte index = 0; while (square != 0) { boolean isWhite = ((board.whites & square) != 0); int color = (isWhite ? 0 : 1); long mines = (isWhite ? board.whites : board.blacks); long others = (isWhite ? board.blacks : board.whites); int pcsqIndex = (isWhite ? index : 63 - index); if ((square & all) != 0) { pieces++; int rank = index >> 3; int file = 7 - index & 7; if ((square & board.pawns ) != 0) { pawnMaterialValue[color] += PAWN; positionalOpeningValue[color] += pawnIndexValue[pcsqIndex][OPENING]; positionalEndgameValue[color] += pawnIndexValue[pcsqIndex][ENDGAME]; |
File | Line |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/tt/ | 60 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/tt/ | 62 |
} return false; } public int getBestMove() { return (int)(info & 0x1fffff); } public int getNodeType() { return (int)((info >>> 21) & 0xf); } public byte getGeneration() { return (byte)((info >>> 32) & 0xff); } public byte getDepthAnalyzed() { return (byte)((info >>> 40) & 0xff); } public int getScore() { return (short)((info >>> 48) & 0xffff); } public void set(Board board, int nodeType, int bestMove, int score, byte depthAnalyzed) { long key2 = board.getKey2(); |
File | Line |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/movegen/ | 58 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/movesort/ | 150 |
| ((square & BitboardUtils.b2_u) != 0 && (((square >>> 8) | (square >>> 16)) & all) == 0 ? (square >>> 16) : 0)); } } } square <<= 1; index++; } square = board.kings & mines; // my king Byte myKingIndex = null; // Castling: disabled when in check or squares attacked if ((((all & (board.getTurn() ? 0x06L : 0x0600000000000000L)) == 0 && (board.getTurn() ? board.getWhiteKingsideCastling() : board.getBlackKingsideCastling())))) { myKingIndex = BitboardUtils.square2Index(square); if (!board.getCheck() && !BitboardAttacks.isIndexAttacked(board, (byte) (myKingIndex-1), board.getTurn()) && !BitboardAttacks.isIndexAttacked(board, (byte) (myKingIndex-2), board.getTurn())) |
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com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 277 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 303 |
if ((( BitboardUtils.FILE_ADJACENTS[file] & (isWhite ? BitboardUtils.RANKS_UPWARDS[rank] : BitboardUtils.RANKS_DOWNWARDS[rank]) & board.pawns & others) == 0) && (((isWhite ? BitboardAttacks.pawnDownwards[index] : BitboardAttacks.pawnUpwards[index]) & board.pawns & mines) !=0)) positionalOpeningValue[color] += knightOutpost[pcsqIndex]; } else if ((square & board.bishops) != 0) { materialValue[color] += BISHOP; positionalOpeningValue[color] += bishopIndexValue[pcsqIndex][OPENING]; positionalEndgameValue[color] += bishopIndexValue[pcsqIndex][ENDGAME]; |
File | Line |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/movegen/ | 75 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/movesort/ | 167 |
addNonCapturesAndBadPromos(Move.KING, myKingIndex, myKingIndex-2, 0, false, Move.TYPE_KINGSIDE_CASTLING); } if ((((all & (board.getTurn() ? 0x70L : 0x7000000000000000L)) == 0 && (board.getTurn() ? board.getWhiteQueensideCastling() : board.getBlackQueensideCastling())))) { if (myKingIndex == null) myKingIndex = BitboardUtils.square2Index(square); if (!board.getCheck() && !BitboardAttacks.isIndexAttacked(board, (byte) (myKingIndex+1), board.getTurn()) && !BitboardAttacks.isIndexAttacked(board, (byte) (myKingIndex+2), board.getTurn())) |
File | Line |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/search/ | 260 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/search/ | 420 |
public int zwsearch(byte depth, byte depthRemaining, int beta) throws TimeExceedException { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > thinkTo && foundOneMove) throw new TimeExceedException(); positionCounter++; // checks draw by treefold rep. and fifty moves rule if (board.isDraw()) return 0; int ttMove = 0; int bestMove = 0; int bestScore = -Evaluator.VICTORY; int score = 0; ttProbe++; if ( { if (tt.getDepthAnalyzed() >= depthRemaining && tt.isMyGeneration()) { switch(tt.getNodeType()) { case TranspositionTable.TYPE_EXACT_SCORE: ttPvHit++; return tt.getScore(); case TranspositionTable.TYPE_FAIL_LOW: ttLBHit++; if (tt.getScore() <= beta-1) return beta-1; |
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com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 350 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/evaluation/ | 382 |
value += kingSafetyValue[0] - kingSafetyValue[1]; // Ponder opening and Endgame value: opening=> gamephase = 255 / ending => gamephase ~=0 int gamePhase = (256 * ((materialValue[0] + materialValue[1])) / 5000); if (gamePhase > 256) gamePhase = 256; // Security value += (gamePhase * (positionalOpeningValue[0] - positionalOpeningValue[1] + mobilityOpeningValue[0] - mobilityOpeningValue[1])) >> 8; // divide by 256 value += ((256 - gamePhase) * (positionalEndgameValue[0] - positionalEndgameValue[1] + mobilityEndgameValue[0] - mobilityEndgameValue[1])) >> 8; // Piece attacks // value += BitboardUtils.popCount(attacks[0]&~attacks[1]) - BitboardUtils.popCount(attacks[1]&~attacks[0]); // Tempo value += (board.getTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO); // logger.debug("materialValue = " + (materialValue[OPENING] - materialValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("pawnMaterialValue = " + (pawnMaterialValue[OPENING] - pawnMaterialValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("mobilityOpeningValue = " + (mobilityOpeningValue[OPENING] - mobilityOpeningValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("mobilityEndgameValue = " + (mobilityEndgameValue[OPENING] - mobilityEndgameValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("pawnsValue = " + (pawnsValue[OPENING] - pawnsValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("kingSafetyValue = " + (kingSafetyValue[OPENING] - kingSafetyValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("positionalOpeningValue = " + (positionalOpeningValue[OPENING] - positionalOpeningValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("positionalEndgameValue = " + (positionalEndgameValue[OPENING] - positionalEndgameValue[ENDGAME])); // logger.debug("gamePhase = " + gamePhase); // logger.debug("tempo = " + (board.getTurn() ? TEMPO : -TEMPO)); // logger.debug("value = " + value); return value; } } |
File | Line |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/tt/ | 128 |
com/alonsoruibal/chess/tt/ | 98 |
} keys[index] = key2; info = (bestMove & 0x1fffff) | ((nodeType & 0xf) << 21) | (((long)(generation & 0xff)) << 32) | (((long)(depthAnalyzed & 0xff)) << 40) | (((long)(score & 0xffff)) << 48); infos[index] = info; } // called at the start of each search public void newGeneration() { generation++; } @Override public boolean isMyGeneration() { return getGeneration() == generation; } } |