July release

There are many new versions of GWT appearing these days: 2.0.4, 2.1.0M1 and an upcoming 2.1.0M2. Because lib-gwt-svg integration with UiBinder uses internal GWT classes (alas there is no public API for extending UiBinder parsers yet), it needs to follow these changes very closely to remain compatible. I have issued a number of versions myself to keep up, and the following table explains which version of lib-gwt-svg you should use which a given GWT version. Functionally, the lib-gwt-svg versions are all equivalent.

GWT version lib-gwt-svg version
2.0.3 0.4.6
2.0.4 0.4.7
2.1.0M1 0.4.8

You can obtain these versions from the maven repository (http://www.vectomatic.org/mvn/org/vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg/) or from the SVN repository (http://code.google.com/p/vectomatic/source/browse/)

I have also fixed a bug I introduced in the previous version of the Connect the dots game and which rendered the first level of the game unplayable.


1 comment to July release

  • Bret

    Lukas, this is a great library. I have one question about your lib-gwt-svg example “Events” page. This is the example with the circle and and the square that can be moved with the mouse. If I add the following line after the square is created.

    // rotate the square 45 degrees
    square.setAttribute(“transform”, “rotate(45,40,40)”);

    How can I correctly handle the transform for setting the x and y to track the mouse?
    public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
    if (dragging) {
    OMSVGPoint d = getLocalCoordinates(event).substract(p);
    square.getX().getBaseVal().setValue(x0 + d.getX());
    square.getY().getBaseVal().setValue(y0 + d.getY());

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