March updates

This post summarizes many new features and changes which have just been released today.

Dependency cleanup and standardization

All projects now depend on GWT 2.0.3 (instead of a 2.x trunk snapshot), including vectomatic which has migrated from 1.7.1 to 2.0.3

New features

lib-gwt-svg has upgraded to version 0.3 and provides better event handling, helper methods […]

lib-gwt-svg goals and design

Library goals

lib-gwt-svg tries to reach the following goals:

Provide a clean, GWT-friendly API Hide the idiosyncrasies of vendor SVG implementations Reuse existing GWT features wherever possible to eliminate code duplication and impedance mismatch Stick to the W3C standard, unless it duplicates an existing GWT feature or the GWT feature is too incomplete Compatibility with […]

On the topic of GWT initialization

Ideally SVG ought to be embedded as a subtree inside an xhtml document, or be linked in an html document through an <a href=”my.svg”> tag. GWT would provide the logic to make these graphics dynamic…

However GWT initialization today is tightly linked to HTML and depends on a procedure involving iframes to bootstrap the process. […]