To improve the ease of use and accessibility of lib-gwt-svg, lib-gwt-svg version 0.5 is now available on Maven central repository (http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg/)
Though I will keep making it available from my own Maven repository (http://www.vectomatic.org/mvn) and from various other HTTP download locations (http://code.google.com/p/vectomatic/ and http://code.google.com/p/lib-gwt-svg/), retrieving the library from the Maven central repository is the preferred […]
I am releasing today version 0.5 of lib-gwt-svg. The new version contains many new features.
The API has been migrated to include the lastest update from the SVG specification (SVG 1.1 second edition, W3C Working Draft 22 June 2010). See the release notes for details of the API changes. Documentation captured from the SVG specification […]
Many exciting news to begin this month of October !
First a new release of lib-gwt-svg (version 0.4.9). It fixes a few bugs, adds more classes to provide a a more complete DOM level 2 access, adds a few utility methods. It is based on GWT 2.1 M1. If you need it for other levels, […]
I have done a major re-architecture of lib-gwt-svg-edu, my educational game project. You can see the results here.
The project had become too big to fit under the umbrella of a single maven project: it was slow to compile, the various games where tied to one another, and adding more games seemed problematic. So I […]
My CSS-layout lightbulb has finally lit up !
One of the most serious problems I had been facing with my SVG apps is that the layout and sizing of SVG elements was never right. The interactions of the SVG width and height attributes, the CSS width and height properties, and the rest of the HTML […]
There are many new versions of GWT appearing these days: 2.0.4, 2.1.0M1 and an upcoming 2.1.0M2. Because lib-gwt-svg integration with UiBinder uses internal GWT classes (alas there is no public API for extending UiBinder parsers yet), it needs to follow these changes very closely to remain compatible. I have issued a number of versions myself […]
This posts gives an overview of the new developments which have been made available today
1. lib-gwt-svg
I am releasing a new version of lib-gwt-svg (version 0.4.6). As can be seen in the release notes, the emphasis is mostly on fixing bugs and making the API easier to use. Here is a high level view […]
I am starting a Google Group to answer questions about lib-gwt-svg and discuss issues and possible uses of the library. The URL is: https://groups.google.com/group/lib-gwt-svg. Feel free to ask your questions there, I will do my best to answer them as quickly as possible
Many new exciting new features have been released today
A new version of lib-gwt-svg (version 0.4.5) has been released. It provides:
support for SVG push buttons and toggle buttons. The widgets tab of lib-gwt-svg-samples has been upgraded to demonstrate these. UiBinder integration of SVG push buttons and toggle buttons. The article on UiBinder integration has […]
This post summarizes many new features and changes which have just been released today with an emphasis on ease of use.
GWT client bundle integration
A new SVGResource interface has been added for SVG resource. This lets developers embed their SVG images in the bulk of the GWT application code.
SVG Widgets and UiBinder integration