SVG paint and stroke

The SVG standard provides a complete API to deal with various forms of paint (rgb colors, named colors, linear gradients, patterns, …) and this API integrates tightly with the CSS APIs to provide programmatic access to the various characteristics of the paint. The dash-array CSS property can also be introspected with the same CSS APIs.


More on CSS layout of SVG applications

lib-gwt-svg-samples and lib-gwt-svg-chess have been fully ported to GWT2.1 and I am releasing today these new versions. These applications were already working with GWT2.1 but they were still using deprecated classes for UI layout. They have been transposed to a 100% CSS-based, strict-mode layout, so the resizing should be faster and the layout more consistent […]


My CSS-layout lightbulb has finally lit up !

One of the most serious problems I had been facing with my SVG apps is that the layout and sizing of SVG elements was never right. The interactions of the SVG width and height attributes, the CSS width and height properties, and the rest of the HTML […]