IE9 and lib-gwt-svg

A first (small) step has been made on the way towards running lib-gwt-svg apps into IE9. I have done some tests with the latest code available (called “platform preview 7”). The good news first: a few of the tabs in lib-gwt-svg-samples work, with the present unmodified code (version 0.5.0): shapes, events, features. This is encouraging […]

Performance improvements of GWT2.1 for long-based computations

The port of lib-gwt-svg-chess to GWT 2.1 has highlighted an interesting fact. The application makes heavy use of java longs, notably in the attack tables of the carballo chess engines. At the time the code was written, the time to initialize the attack tables turned out to be so long (around two and a half […]

More on CSS layout of SVG applications

lib-gwt-svg-samples and lib-gwt-svg-chess have been fully ported to GWT2.1 and I am releasing today these new versions. These applications were already working with GWT2.1 but they were still using deprecated classes for UI layout. They have been transposed to a 100% CSS-based, strict-mode layout, so the resizing should be faster and the layout more consistent […]

lib-gwt-svg is now available on Maven central repository

To improve the ease of use and accessibility of lib-gwt-svg, lib-gwt-svg version 0.5 is now available on Maven central repository (

Though I will keep making it available from my own Maven repository ( and from various other HTTP download locations ( and, retrieving the library from the Maven central repository is the preferred […]